Buy to let carpeting advice

Buying carpets for letting properties

At Tony Mustoe's Carpets we've seen a growing market for buy-to-let floor coverings, in fact, we're seeing many landlords replacing carpets from the first generations of tenants.
Here is advice based on what we've learnt.

Valuable experience teaches this golden rule

RULE: Don't buy carpets that appeal primarily to your sense of aesthetics, buy with the maximum practicality in mind.


There is one exception to this rule - if you are letting to professional tenants who will demand up-market furnishings and can be relied upon to look after the house and fittings. This apart, consider the following advice...

Polypropylene loop carpet with a felt backing is the ideal choice because:

  1. Polypropylene is very stain resistant
  2. Loop piles minimise the flattening polypropylene is prone to
  3. Felt backing saves on underlay costs

Buying to let is a business proposition - a return is the priority

It should be obvious that the more you spend, the less proceeds are left to you as a landlord. This isn't as straightforward as it sounds. Very cheap, inappropriate carpet will need replacing far more frequently than a practical choice.

Think about this - as a carpet retailer, we rarely see landlords replacing worn out floor coverings - it's almost always down to staining. I have personally seen many carpets made from polypropylene that landlords have had to replace (despite the superior stain resistance the material offers).

Tenants rarely show the same respect to your purchase as you would. It never ceases to amaze us how much tenants damage carpets with soiling.

Get a good deal when letting your property

Please call us on (01242) 515047 and we'll be pleased to come and quote without obligation. We can bring samples for your inspection. If it's outside of office hours then send us a message via our contact form and we'll ring you as soon as office hours permit.

Learn from the experts

Light neutral colours are best reserved for your own home. Take a look at the carpets in the next motorway services you visit - they will be patterned and deep enough to hide the inevitable food stains they have to endure. Look carefully and you'll be able to see serious food deposits ground into the pile, yet unless you look for it the overall impression will be acceptable. The people who specified this carpet had the maximum return from the carpet in mind - they were employed to make the maximum return from the premises.